(photo credit: The Blaze )
Neal Asbury began his nationally syndicated “Neal Asbury’s Made in America” show on Radio America by admitting that while he had initially preferred that Mitt Romney had picked Marco Rubio as his VP running mate, he has come to embrace the value that Paul Ryan brings to the Republican ticket.
“As an entrepreneur with a few hundred employees, Paul Ryan is talking about the issues that are important to me. He changes the discussion back to ways that small business can help create jobs. It’s all about firing up the Republican base and turning out the votes to elect the Romney-Ryan ticket,” said Asbury.
Joining the show as a first time guest was Republican Representative, James Lankford, who serves Oklahoma’s fifth district. He serves on the Budget, Transportation & Infrastructure, and Oversight & Government Reform committees, where he is the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Technology, Information Policy, Intergovernmental Relations and Procurement Reform. He has worked with Paul Ryan and is a strong advocate for his policies.
“Paul will fire up the base. He’s a fantastic choice. He’s got the biggest brain and the smallest ego of anyone in Congress. In just two days he had 16,000 people attend a rally for him. That says a lot about his popularity,” said Lankford.
Lankford notes that Ryan and all Republicans reject leftist ideology. They condemn Obama for promising graduates that they’ll have jobs, even if they are temporary government jobs. He wants to see someone who will fire up the economy and ingenuity so private sector jobs will be created.
“Ryan will be able to articulate Medicare, and make it clear and easy for people to understand. He can explain that taking $716 billion out of Medicare is not a good idea, and why turning to multiple outside options instead of having Medicare government-funded is the better way to go, especially since Medicare is projected to be insolvent by 2016,” said Lankford.
Neal and co-host Dr. Rich Roffman continued the discussion about the Ryan VP choice.
“We need to focus on jobs, and steer clear of other distractions. We have to address runaway entitlements, growing deficits and the continued high unemployment. This is the election that Made in America has been waiting for. We finally have a clear choice to change the direction of this country,” said Asbury.
“Romney needs to convince conservatives that he’s a true conservative, and Ryan helps him with that. He needs to be talking about Republican values, like living within our means and reducing the size of government. Ryan has been fighting this fight for a long time and he’s only 42. He’s even gone head to head with Obama on his healthcare policies. Ryan has the ability to take apart a problem and explain the numbers so people understand it,” said Dr. Roffman.
“I’ve been frustrated and depressed about our government, but now I have new hope. The discussion has turned to fixing the economy and how to make the tough decisions on taxes and spending. There’s some hope. Romney is within two points in most of the states he needs to carry to get elected,” said Asbury.
Made in America’s next guest was return guest Seton Motley, a consultant and the founder and president of Less Government, an organization dedicated to less government, including protecting the First Amendment from governmental assault.
“If you support the Democrats you’ll have a job. If you don’t, you won’t. The Obama administration is engaging in Crony Socialism. They are taking money away for us and giving it to or competitors. Obama isn’t picking winners; he’s picking losers at the expense of winners. We taxpayers are funding dumb government business decisions, like transforming GM into a socialist-run company,” said Motley.
He suggested that the GM Volt is the perfect example of this. They cost as much to make as the price they are selling it for, and people still don’t want it. Now Motely claims that GM is coming out with new hybrid models based on the Volt model –a car that nobody wants and nobody is buying.
“Now GM is investing in solar panels — a real losing business. And their Shanghai division just helped pay for the Chinese government to produce a film extolling the 90th anniversary of the communist party. GM claims that Shanghai GM isn’t part of GM except that GM counts their profits as part of their business financial reporting,” said Motley.
Joining the show was return guest, Lenwood Brooks, Policy Director of Public Notice, where he leads on all policy issues. Prior to joining Public Notice, Lenwood worked for six years on Capitol Hill where he served in various policy positions. Most recently, Brooks advised Senator Roger Wicker on legislation and supported the Senator’s efforts to provide relief for those affected by Hurricane Katrina.
“Congress used to earmark funds for roads and bridges. But there were no guarantees that the money would be spent, so a giant slush fund accumulated. That’s where Obama is getting the nearly $500 billion he earmarked for infrastructure funding for supposed shovel ready jobs. But as we all know, shovel ready jobs doesn’t mean that the jobs will start anytime soon,” said Brooks, who noted that it takes years for roads and bridges to get approved.
Brooks predicted that most of the funds will go to swing states that the Democrats need to get Obama re-elected. Brooks categorized this as the real definition of cronyism. He proposed that lobbyists are already making their Capitol Hill calls to start getting some of that money for clients and states.
“It’s the old fashioned way of buying votes with slush fund money,” concluded Brooks.
Once again, Asbury and co-host Dr. Rich Roffman introduced their weekly “Cronyism Report,” an ongoing look at how federal funding payouts are wasting taxpayer dollars.
Dr. Roffman suggested that the Good Old Boys, as exemplified by the Chicago approach to politics, is running the show in Washington. One of those Good Old Boys is former New Jersey governor Jon Corzine, who still hasn’t been held accountable for losing $1.2 billion invested into his MF Global hedge fund.
“He claims he doesn’t know what happened to the money. And he and other MF Global managers don’t look like they will be charged with any crime. In fact, Corzine wants to start up another fund,” said Dr. Roffman.
Dr. Roffman also noted that the Department of Agriculture has found more than $100 million to buy up livestock, poultry, and fish that are being slaughtered because farmers can’t afford to feed them due to the draught. Yet, 40% of corn, that could be used to feed cattle, is still earmarked to produce ethanol, a fuel that need not be used in most cases.
“Guess where most of this money is going? To Midwestern states that Obama will need for the November election,” proposed Dr. Roffman.
“Cronyism robs this country of the resources it needs to create jobs,” concluded Neal.
Each week Neal Asbury’s Made in America provides Neal’s insights into the week’s top news stories and their impact on the worlds of entrepreneurship, small business ownership and the overall economy. Neal’s analysis, together with co-host Dr. Richard Roffman, a veteran 30-year publisher with extensive domestic and international experience, takes a non-biased approach based on real life experience in business as an American manufacturer and exporter. Made in America airs nationally each Saturday from 7-8:00 PM on Radio America. Link to Made in America at http://www.nealasburysmadeinamerica.com.