This election crystalizes this idea. We have a president who talks about all the things he wants to do, and does nothing. While GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney, as a successful businessman, has demonstrated that the way to get things done is to take the initiative and do what’s needed.
Romney’s legacy can be traced back to his time at Bain & Co., which has been castigated by the left. But with a little research into Bain, you’ll discover that unlike other consulting firms, which issue recommendations, collect their fees and then depart, Bain immerses itself in a client’s business and works with them until funding is obtained and changes are implemented.
This is precisely what we expect in a leader. Don’t just talk about something and give it lip service, stick with the problem until it is resolved.
This is especially what we need to get our economy turned around.
We have 25 million unemployed and underemployed Americans. With his background in problem solving and perseverance, can you imagine what Romney’s response would have been if he were president? He would have spent every day trying to spur job growth and would not have been distracted by initiatives that did not contribute to job creation.
President Barack Obama, meanwhile, has wasted valuable time on one boondoggle after another, wasting taxpayer money, while millions of Americans sank further into despair.
Spending billions on green energy that actually lost jobs? Or revitalize entrepreneurs and small businesses — our job creators — by lowering taxes and removing anti-business regulations that would allow them to hire.
Attacking coal and losing thousands of American jobs? Or supporting clean coal technology and natural gas, exporting this energy overseas where demand is great and creating millions of new American jobs.
In 2008, Obama promised that in 10 years, “we will finally end our dependence on oil from the Middle East.” Sadly his energy policy makes us more dependent on foreign sources, whereas we could be self-sufficient if we would only develop our abundant sources of oil, coal and gas.
Should we sit on our hands when a new report by the U.S. Department of Agriculture pegged the number of individuals receiving food stamps at 46.7 million people? Or do as Romney recommends, issuing block grants to states that would deliver services that incentivize people to work without allowing the federal government to micromanage local programs.
When a leader talks without acting, Congress reflects his philosophy. According to The New York Times: “This Congress passed a mere 173 public laws as of last month, well below the 906 enacted from January 1947 through December 1948 by the body that President Harry S. Truman dubbed the ‘do-nothing Congress.’”
If you think that Obama’s inactivity is noticed only by Americans, I found a fascinating column by a journalist writing for a publication from Beirut, Lebanon after Obama addressed the United Nations.
“When a politician who enjoys the stature and resources that Obama does makes a decision to talk about the burning issues of the day, he should be prepared to make an effort to put out the fire. Otherwise, the difference between words and actions will lose him more and more of the audience.”
In fact, when you Google: “talk but no action from Obama,” you get more than 92 million results. This really puts a face on this administration’s practice of trading rhetoric for action.
For you classic rock fans, let me end with the lyrics of a song that was a hit in 1968 from Paul Revere and the Raiders:
“Too much talk and not enough action
Do you know anybody gettin’ satisfaction?
Everybody wonders ‘bout the crowd’s reaction
And the world gets better by a very small fraction.”
We need a doer, not a talker. We need a businessman, not a politician.