While Neal Asbury was traveling, cohost Dr. Rich Roffman assumed hosting responsibilities for the nationally syndicated “Neal Asbury’s Made in America” show on Radio America. Dr. Roffman suggested that as people get to know more about former Governor Romney, the American people are gaining a better definition of who he is and what’s really going on within the Obama administration. The polls are reflecting this as voters are reminded about the economy. Voters must stop listening to an administration that considers 369,000 new people seeking unemployment benefits as good news since it fell below their projections. .
“We can’t allow the country to accept new unemployment job claims at 300,000 per month as the new normal. If we do, we won’t turn this economy around until the year 2040. That’s not acceptable,” said Dr. Roffman.
Joining the show as a first time guest was Republican Congresswoman, Shelley Moore Capito, who represents the people of West Virginia’s Second Congressional District. She has been an advocate for a range of policies that directly impact her constituents, including energy independence, quality healthcare and the safety and security of our service men and women.
“West Virginia is the second largest coal-producing state in the country, and coal creates some 80,000 jobs. But due to Obama’s regulations and relationship with the EPA, plants have closed and miners have been laid off as Obama continues his war on coal,” said Capito, who added, “I notice that Obama is talking up coal in Ohio as he campaigns, but those people should know that he doesn’t really support coal.”
Dr. Roffman reminded listeners that when Obama was running, he claimed that energy companies can go ahead and build new coal plants, but it will bankrupt them. He questioned why we can’t find ways to capitalize on coal.
Capito criticized the Obama administration for not approving permits for new mining operations, especially since coal is the baseline for the nation’s power source.
“If we shut down coal, manufacturers will pay more money for energy, and the elderly will be hit with higher energy costs, which many can’t afford. The nation will be crippled, as Obama picks winners and losers in the energy industry, listening to environmentalists while ignoring clean burning coal,” noted Capito, adding that the U.S. has 275 years of coal in the ground, so anything that stops coal production should be something that the nation should be very, very upset and concerned about.
Dr. Roffman revealed the disturbing news that Jeep, an iconic American brand that was bailed out along with Chrysler, is thinking about moving manufacturing from Toledo, Ohio to China.
“Think about this. We gave Chrysler $12 billion to help maintain jobs in the U.S., but then Chrysler turns around and sells Jeep to Fiat for the bargain basement price of about half a billion—with Obama’s approval. And what do we get from the bailout? Jobs may leave the U.S. and go to China. Obama can accuse Romney of sending jobs to China all he wants, but the truth is that Obama is sending jobs to China,” said Dr. Roffman.
Joining the show as a return guest was Jim Laski, a WGN radio host and longtime member of the Chicago political machine who became the Chicago City Clerk for ten years, until he was forced to resign and was jailed for malfeasance.
“When I was on the show four years ago, I warned you that while Obama promised change, you might not like the kind of change that he would bring. And I was right. He turned out to be another Chicago politician who surrounded himself with other Chicago political players created by the Daley Machine,” said Laski.
Laski proposed that the debates have allowed Romney to let America see the real Obama – someone who doesn’t like to be questioned. And when you hold his feet to the fire, he isn’t used to this scrutiny, but can’t run away.
“The other thing that the debates showed is the disdain that Obama showed Romney, who wouldn’t let Obama duck tough questions. It exposed the sense of entitlement that Obama thinks he has. That’s why Obama likes being on the stump— nobody asks him anything,” said Laski, who added, “It really is time for change, a new change.”
Made in America’s final guest was returning Republican Representative, Blake Farenthold, a lifelong resident of South Texas, who represents Texas’ 27th district.
Farenthold began the discussion by discussing sequestration, which is an amount of money equal to the difference between the cap set in the Budget Resolution and the amount actually appropriated is “sequestered” by the Treasury and not handed over to the agencies to which it was originally appropriated by Congress.
“We always considered sequestration to be like a poison pill that would only be used as a last resort. But we have a Democratic senate that hasn’t done anything. The House has submitted 30 bills, but the Democrats are playing politics,” said Farenthold.
The result is that money is not available for important uses, including paying defense contractors, making the U.S. military vulnerable.
“We need a stronger military, especially as we see the Middle East destabilize as some of the new governments in power are not friendly to the U.S. And it could cost 90,000 jobs in Texas, including paying for the training of our important jet fighter pilots, who won’t be ready if we need them,” added Farenthold.
Once again, Dr. Roffman continued his weekly “Cronyism Report,” an ongoing look at how federal funding payouts are wasting taxpayer dollars.
He proposed that while the country has wasted billions of dollars on failed energy programs, the most devastating misuse of funds is to support the UN Human Rights Council, which is run by countries where Democracy does not exist, especially in Mideast countries.
“Why do we want to engage with countries that don’t allow women to have equal rights, or who torture or kill citizens that don’t agree with their policies? And now we are being asked to sit by while the UN is asking countries to boycott U.S. companies that trade with Israel, our only Democratic ally in the Mideast. It’s a disgrace. It also represents potential loss of jobs in America! It’s time for us to vote right, and vote smart in this election.
Each week Neal Asbury’s Made in America provides Neal’s insights into the week’s top news stories and their impact on the worlds of entrepreneurship, small business ownership and the overall economy. Neal’s analysis, together with co-host Dr. Richard Roffman, a veteran 30-year publisher with extensive domestic and international experience, takes a non-biased approach based on real life experience in business as an American manufacturer and exporter. Made in America airs nationally each Saturday from 7-8:00 PM on Radio America. Link to Made in America at http://www.nealasbrysmadeinamerica.com.