Archive for September, 2013

Made in America Panel Urges Obama to Support Domestic Oil Production to Boost Economy and Create Good Paying Jobs

Made in America Panel Urges Obama to Support Domestic Oil Production to Boost Economy and Create Good Paying Jobs

Neal Asbury opened his nationally syndicated “Neal Asbury’s Made in America” show on Radio America (now on 45 stations) with his astonishment that President Obama is trumpeting the rise in U.S. oil exports while his administration continues to beat up the oil industry.

Co-host Dr. Rich Roffman characterized this as “oxymoronic.”

“Drilling on federal land is down 31 percent over last year, and yet the president is congratulating himself on the boost in energy exports,” proposed Dr. Roffman.

Continuing the discussion on oil ...

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Flip the Economy, Not More Burgers

Flip the Economy, Not More Burgers

There are thousands of employees that work for fast food restaurants. They work hard and get paid very little. But how many dreamed of going to school, graduating with a degree and setting out to spend their life flipping hamburgers? Very few, I bet.

Unfortunately, in the Obama economy, too many college graduates have found themselves in this position. And worse, many American workers now consider fast food jobs a destination, not a temporary stop off until a better paying job ...

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Made in America Panel Warns that Detroit May Not Be the Only Big City Facing Collapse

Made in America Panel Warns that Detroit May Not Be the Only Big City Facing Collapse

Neal Asbury opened his nationally syndicated “Neal Asbury’s Made in America” show on Radio America (now on 45 stations) by warning that Detroit’s financial collapse may be repeated in other cities, particularly in Chicago, which shares many of the issues faced by Detroit. This includes a one-party rule, a broken pensions system, and the flight of manufacturers out of the city.

“Chicago was once a hub of great manufacturers, now it’s nearly a manufacturing ghost town,” suggested Neal.

Neal’s first guest was ...

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