Neal Asbury began his nationally syndicated “Neal Asbury’s Made in America” show on Radio America (now on 46 stations) by expressing continued empathy for the millions of Americans that under the Obama administration, are being deprived their share of the American Dream.
Made in America welcomed Dr. David Corbin to the show. Dr. Corbin teaches courses in political philosophy, American politics, and international relations at The King’s College, New York.
He proposed that the Founding Fathers’ vision of justice is exactly opposite their philosophy of “equal rights for all, special privileges for none.”
“We are a bankrupt nation, which is being passed on to our future generations. Twenty five years from now, they will be paying for the bills we’ve racked up today. They will never know the American Dream, because we are leaving them with a country worse than the one we inherited,” suggested Dr. Corbin.
He sees a lost generation of young people who aren’t looking at the long-term impact of today’s policies. They need to wake up and do something before it’s too late. They need to reverse the shift in American politics away from progressivism.
“Today’s young people have been gamed and now they have huge debts, have no jobs, and are living at home,” suggested Dr. Rich Roffman, Made in America’s co-host.
“The American Dream has gone from being productive-centric, to consumptive-centric. We can’t continue our current course of entitlements. We need members of the senate to expand the fight, and find a Republican candidate with business experience, preferably a governor, to lead the party,” concluded Dr. Corbin.
Neal Asbury and Dr. Roffman segued to a discussion about the deplorable economic conditions faced by today’s veterans.
“The unemployment rate for military veterans is three percent higher than the general population. The president should be ashamed of himself that he hasn’t created the environment where jobs are created by supporting our entrepreneurs and small businesses. Forty percent of veterans in New York need food assistance. Our veterans need good, full-time jobs,” noted Neal, adding that it’s hard when only 47 percent of today’s workers are in full-time jobs and that those in part-time jobs are five times more likely to live in poverty.
Dr. Roffman was encouraged that companies like Wal-Mart and Starbucks are giving preferential job placement to veterans.
“Somebody needs to step up when we have 720,000 Americans who have left the workforce and are no longer looking for jobs. We are in an intellectual depression that is leading to a true economic depression. And our veterans, who put their life on the line are getting the short end of the stick,” proposed Dr. Roffman.
John Berlau, a senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, rejoined Made in America as a guest, weighing in on the perils of the Dodd-Frank bill that is not only destroying banks, but also main street businesses like oil companies and life insurance companies.
“Playing off of the too big to fail mentality of the government, we now have the systemically important financial institutions, which essentially get a permanent bailout. But one of the consequences of this is that they are impacting life insurance companies, their earnings, their insurance clients and even employment at call centers. They are placing bank-like rules on non-banks,” proposed Berlau.
Berlau and the CEI are trying to get DC courts to rule that Dodd-Frank is unconstitutional, and is as big a failing policy as Obamacare, because it shields accountability from Congress. He wants to see the law dramatically changed.
The final guest on Made in America was return guest Peter Ferrara, from the American Civil Rights Union, whose piece in Forbes promised a revelation that global warming is as big a lie as Obamacare.
“Just as the administration lied to 30 million Americans who still will not have health insurance under Obamacare, even environmental alarmists are suggesting that claims about global warming are exaggerated. There have been no signs of global warming in more than 15 years, and in fact, there are signs that the earth is actually cooling,” revealed Ferrara, who added that the models supporting the concept of global warming were deeply flawed and that the Earth is entering a period of global cooling.
Neal and Dr. Roffman concluded the show by returning to the exploration of cronyism and its resulting waste of taxpayer dollars.
“The Department of Health and Human Services really likes to attend and host conferences. In fact, they had 135 conferences during the year that cost American taxpayers some $56 million. Lasting about three days each, while they dealt with a variety of issues, they had one thing in common: they were all either held at a Marriott, Hilton or Hyatt. Coincidence? Not if you followed the fact that each chain is a big supporter of Obama’s amnesty policy for immigrants,” concluded Dr. Roffman, adding that when you are an Obama supporter, the world of cronyism opens wide.
Each week Neal Asbury’s Made in America provides Neal’s insights into the week’s top news stories and their impact on the worlds of entrepreneurship, small business ownership and the overall economy. Neal’s analysis, together with co-host Dr. Richard Roffman, a veteran 30-year publisher with extensive domestic and international experience, takes a non-biased approach based on real life experience in business as an American manufacturer and exporter. Made in America airs nationally each Saturday from 7-8:00 PM on Radio America. Link to Made in America at http://www.nealasburysmadeinamerica.com.