Neal Asbury began his nationally syndicated “Neal Asbury’s Made in America” show on Radio America (now on 46 stations) with the shocking fact that the actual U.S. unemployment rate is near 37 percent, and the misery index is the worst it’s been in 40 years.
Made in America welcomed first-time guest James Delingpole, the author of “The Little Green Book of Eco-Fascism: The Left’s Plan to Frighten Your Kids, Drive Up Energy Costs, and Hike Your Taxes!” who brought a European perspective to global warming.
“The European Union is the epicenter of environmental lunacy. The average citizen in Europe, like the U.S., is sick to death of hearing that global warming is this catastrophic man-made peril. We have subzero temperatures throughout the U.S. – something that Al Gore said would never recur due to global warming. The climate change scare is an excuse for corruption,” proposed Delingpole.
He noted that in Germany, complying with the clean energy mandate costs German companies $32 billion a year. Pushing clean energy in Europe, like the U.S. has allowed crony capitalists to make money off of energy programs. He revealed that Europe is starting to push back against the global warming myth and predicts that the U.S will be following suit.
Neal and co-host Dr. Rich Roffman segued to the disconcerting news that a study has found that Canada is more business friendly than the U.S., and in fact, the World Bank ranks the business environment in the U.S. below that of Rwanda and Belarus.
“Can you imagine that it’s easier to start a new business in a state-run country than in America? We can thank the economic uncertainty created by Obama, along with our higher taxes, regulations, and healthcare costs for this downturn in our ability to start businesses and create jobs,” said Neal, who added that 40 percent of Americans are now on food stamps.
Dr. Roffman agreed, adding that Moody’s recently downgraded the American healthcare industry due to rising costs and the uncertainty created by Obamacare.
“When even Bill Gates, a friend of Obama, states that raising the minimum wage destroys job creation, we have a president out of touch with this country.”
Returning to “Made in America” was Peter Ferrara, senior fellow for entitlement and budget policy at The Heartland Institute, a senior fellow at the Social Security Institute, and the general counsel of the American Civil Rights Union.
He suggested that millions of Americans are missing the boat on health insurance by not participating in Health Savings Accounts (HSA), that allows the average consumer to customize their healthcare coverage by setting a high deductible ($2,000-$6,000), and taking the money saved on reduced premiums and bank it to pay for the deductible should they need the coverage. Should catastrophic healthcare coverage be required it will be paid like a regular insurance policy.
“So essentially, the increase people are seeing with regular health insurance isn’t happening with Health Savings Accounts. That’s why some 30 million Americans are using HSA – more than are enrolled in HMOs. Best of all, there is an incentive not to waste money by paying for unnecessary tests. This is a welcome contrast to the rising costs under Obamacare,” concluded Ferrara.
Making his first appearance on Made in America was Israel Malinowitzer, guidance director for the East Islip New York Career Academy, who six years ago, was appointed by the district superintendent to prepare seniors for careers.
“It’s really a school within a school, where students learn about careers in environmental science, global business and other fields that will prepare them for future employment. We had 15 students the first year, 58 the second year and the numbers continue to grow,” said Malinowitzer, an indication that younger students are recognizing the value of vocational training.
Reminding listeners that cronyism hurts all of us, Neal and Dr. Roffman concluded the show by returning to ways that cronyism rewards the few at the expense of the many.
“Obama continues to pick journalists and others that support his administration to key government jobs. Emily Pierce, the deputy editor of Roll Call, will be joining the office of public affairs at the Department of Justice, the federal agency headed by Attorney General Eric Holder. And John Podesta, known as the “Clinton Fixer” who stepped in to save Bill and Hillary’s political careers, is now being given a key job to oversee the NSA investigation. Oh, and by the way, Podesta is tight with big Democratic bundler George Seros, and as president of liberal think tank The Center for American Progress, Podesta received $3.7 million from Soros. Gotta love the cronyism here,” noted Dr. Roffman.
Dr. Roffman also reported that new emails released by the EPA found that the EPA was giving environmental groups confidential information that was designed to help them attack supporters of the Keystone XL Pipeline.
“We all know that Obama rewards key donors with Ambassadorships, whether they are qualified or not. Most recently, Long Island businessman George Tsunis, who raised almost $500,000 for Obama, was nominated by the President as ambassador to Norway, but faced severe criticism for a lack of knowledge about the country’s government. He told John McCain that the government of Norway renounced the Progress Party, which McCain called ‘anti-immigration’; which caused McCain to explode with anger after he reminded Tsunis that the government of Norway was part of the Progress Party coalition,” said Dr. Roffman.
Each week Neal Asbury’s Made in America provides Neal’s insights into the week’s top news stories and their impact on the worlds of entrepreneurship, small business ownership and the overall economy. Neal’s analysis, together with co-host Dr. Richard Roffman, a veteran 30-year publisher with extensive domestic and international experience, takes a non-biased approach based on real life experience in business as an American manufacturer and exporter. Made in America airs nationally each Saturday from 7-8:00 PM on Radio America. Link to Made in America at http://www.nealasburysmadeinamerica.com.