Host Neal Asbury opened his nationally syndicated “Neal Asbury’s Made in America” show on Radio America (now on 48 stations) by castigating the Obama administration for railing against the nation’s income inequality when he himself has actually caused it with his failed economic policies.
Neal’s first-time guest was Dinesh D’Souza, prolific author of “America: Imagine A World Without Her” and the new movie “America.” He also was a member of the Reagan Administration, and former president of the King’s College.
“I came to America at the age of 17, drawn by the Spirit of 1776 and America’s tradition of supporting entrepreneurism. But while I’ve been able to succeed, I think the American dream is alive, but it is in peril. Our political leadership has undermined the ability of entrepreneurs to succeed by downplaying its significance, which has been picked up in academia. America’s leadership is seeking to wrest power away from entrepreneurs by suffocating their ambitions,” proposed D’Souza.
He has seen a huge contest for power between the political class and entrepreneurs, a reflection of a president incapable of producing anything of value, battling against people whose goal in life to actually create something of value.
“You have people vilifying corporate CEOs who travel in private jets, ignoring the fact that the jets were paid for by the company. On the other hand you have Obama flying around in a private jet that was paid for by the American people. There’s a disconnect, due mostly in part to Obama’s masterful way of fomenting and then tapping into the resentment, envy and rage of the American people and then redirecting this anger,” maintained D’Souza, who criticized the mainstream media for ignoring Obama’s agenda because they don’t want to see the first black president fail.
D’Souza also is hoping that the Republicans can take back Congress, because they have been sidelined since they don’t control any major government branches, and this has given Obama the opportunity to turn everything –like immigration– into a crisis. He is punishing Republicans for not agreeing to amnesty by painting them as uncaring about women and children, allowing Obama to exploit the decency of Americans.
“This country is really divided into two bodies of believers: one that embraces the Spirit of 1776 as a force for good that embraces entrepreneurs; and the other is the Spirit of 1968 that embraces the power of bad and is against America’s successful businesses. But only one can prevail. Let’s hope it’s the one that notices that while America is flawed, can you imagine the world without America? World War II would have had a different, dire outcome and the cold war would have driven the world to communism. America cannot fail,” concluded D’Souza.
Returning as a guest on Made in America was Seton Motley, president of Less Government, who believes the country is being run by two different factions: one by a leadership that pursues policies even if they know they won’t succeed; and by the “useful idiots” (a phrase first used by Lenin) whereby policies are pushed though even though the people pushing them don’t understand the policies and then can’t understand why the policies failed.
“This is why we have the highest corporate tax rate in the world at 38 percent and why American businesses are saddled with $1.8 trillion worth of regulations. Then we wonder why there are no jobs and the American economy is in trouble,” said Motley.
He also noted that there are two people that America can do without: Texas Governor Rick Perry who is running ads in several states basically telling people that their state stinks, and businesses should move to Texas. The other one is Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, who advocated on behalf of the 11 commandments of progressivism, which has been described as the roadmap for ways that people can get free stuff from the government, and outlining why socialism is better than capitalism.
Motley helped segue to a broader discussion relating to the plight of young Americans who were wooed by the tenets of socialism only to discover what they really wanted was a job.
“You can’t help but be moved by the hurt and suffering of young people who discovered that they earned worthless degrees and now must pay back thousands of dollars in student loans. As Seton mentioned, young people thought they wanted more government and now realize that what they really want is less government. They recognize that they are growing too accustomed to the opiate of government handouts and entitlements, which deprives them of the drive to look for and maintain a job. A job leads to happier, more productive lives,” noted Neal.
Co-host Dr. Rich Roffman agreed, referring to a poll that found that only one in five young people, who voted for change under Obama, believe in what he is doing. They are finding that things have gotten much worse under Obama.
“They are finding a disconnect between their education and their pursuit of jobs. And the administration’s solution is to throw money at failing programs. And now we’re seeing prices edge up for things like food and fuel, which is only going to make conditions worse for families already struggling,” noted Dr. Roffman.
Neal and Dr. Roffman moved on to their weekly segment identifying rampant cronyism.
“It was announced that President Obama will honor DreamWorks Animation CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg with the 2013 National Medal of Arts. I’m sure he is a talented artist, but he’s more talented at raising money for the Democrats; to the tune of a personal donation of $3 million to a Democratic super-PAC, and he helped raise an additional $30 million for Obama. He joins other talented artists –and big Obama donors—such as George Lucas and Steven Spielberg, who also coincidently have been awarded the Medal of Arts. Just another self-serving reward for Obama donors,” revealed Dr. Roffman.
Dr. Roffman also revealed that David Grain, owner of a private-equity company, raised from $200,000 to $500,000 for Obama’s 2008 election, received a waiver from the Federal Communications Commission that may help his bid in airwaves auctions. This essentially helps Grain, who otherwise would not have qualified to compete, now bid at the same level as telecom giants ATT&T and Verizon.
“Just another example of ways that giving Obama money can result in a big financial payback,” concluded Dr. Roffman.
Each week Neal Asbury’ Made in America provides Neal’s insights into the week’s top news stories and their impact on the worlds of entrepreneurship, small business ownership and the overall economy. Neal’s analysis, together with co-host Dr. Richard Roffman, a veteran 30-year publisher with extensive domestic and international experience, takes a non-biased approach based on real life experience in business as an American manufacturer and exporter. Made in America airs nationally each Saturday from 7-8:00 PM on Radio America. Link to Made in America at http://www.nealasburysmadeinamerica.com.