Host Neal Asbury opened his nationally syndicated “Neal Asbury’s Made in America” show on Radio America (now on 69 stations) by recapping the devastating midterm election results for Democrats that saw them lose 69 House seats and 13 Senate seats – the biggest congressional loss since Harry Truman was president. Even a traditional Blue State like Arkansas now has Republicans controlling every seat.
Co-host Dr. Rich Roffman agreed, adding that even Blue States like Maryland, Illinois and Massachusetts voted out their Democratic governors.
Returning to Made in America was David Bego, President and CEO of EMS, an industry leader in the field of environmental workplace maintenance; and the author of “Devil at My Doorstep,” which chronicled his successful fight against Andy Stern and the SEIU, that helped Bego save his company.
“This midterm election really showed the diminished strength of unions. They couldn’t get their people out to vote, and have found themselves battling their own union members who have grown sick of watching union leaders enrich themselves while they (the members) are making less money,” noted Bego, who added that union members resent that their health insurance rates have gone up under Obamacare and that union officials are largely silent on issues that allow illegal aliens to compete with American workers for jobs.
Dr. Roffman concurred, noting that not only union members, but the country as a whole have stopped buying into Obama’s assertions that everything is OK.
“Nobody feels better these days. They aren’t making more money, they can’t find good paying jobs, and they no longer buy into the assertion that the federal government creates jobs. There’s a huge disconnect,” maintains Dr. Roffman, who added that it’s all about “optics” – Obama’s persistent ill-advised actions to take vacations at critical times, sending a message that he’s not engaged in the country’s problems.
Bego notes that the union’s inability to unseat Scott Walker in Wisconsin, despite spending millions of dollars, is a sign that people are warming up to Walker’s style and messages.
Continuing the discussion about the midterms, Neal wondered what could have happened if the Republicans hadn’t made major missteps in 2012. The Republicans could have 60 seats in the Senate today.
“There’s no question that the economy was the number one issue driving voting. The American people are finally getting it that the economy is not doing as well as the Obama administration maintains. They finally realize that entrepreneurs and small businesses create jobs, not the federal government,” suggested Neal.
Dr. Roffman proposed that the biggest takeaway from the midterms is that Democratic myth-making was exposed.
“People have come to realize that there is no Republican ‘War on Women,’ or race baiting. How to explain Mia Love, Utah’s first black Republican woman elected to Congress? Democrats won’t be able to run from the truth anymore. The sleeping electoral giant has been awakened,” predicted Dr. Roffman.
Also returning to the show was Paul Driessen, from the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, who castigated Obama for continuing to appeal to left wing environmentalist to shore up his diminishing support, despite a repudiation of his energy policies from most of the nation.
“It’s like Obama only supports energy programs that increase energy costs, lose jobs, and kill wildlife. His constant refusal to approve the Keystone XL Pipeline is amazing. Most of the country wants it, it is environmentally safe, and will create thousands of jobs – but he still wants to pander to his left wing environmentalist base,” suggested Driessen, who added that environmental groups poured $79 million into Democratic races; only to see all of them lose.
Dr. Roffman revealed that science publications have continually advocated that environmental changes are attributed to man-made actions. This despite the fact that it’s been 3,300 days since a category 3 or 4 hurricane has hit land, which should create some doubts about global warming.
David Harsanyi, writing for The Federalist, returned to Made in America, where he proposed that the Democrats are in some kind of fantasy world, ignoring the message sent by Americans during the midterms.
“It’s the height of hypocrisy. The election showed what people want from the government, but Obama chooses to ignore them. Instead, he intends to pick a fight with Republicans over immigration, making them look like racists and anti-Hispanic. Since his election in 2008, it is clear that Obama doesn’t know how to react to the changing political environment,” proposed Harsanyi.
He warns that if Obama tries to use executive action to change immigration policies, it will enrage the Republican base.
Neal and Dr. Roffman moved on to their weekly segment identifying rampant cronyism.
As part of his ongoing segment on the rise in the development of robots to replace human workers, Dr. Roffman point to a new robot that will do less invasive brain surgery by operating through the cheek.
A “killer robot missile,” being developed in Norway, will allow Norwegian air force planes to target and kill soldiers without any human involvement. But the robot missile is not sitting well with the Norwegian military, which resulted in a “fist fight” in the war room.
On the cronyism front, taxpayer dollars are being used by Homeland Security’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement division (ICE) to fund their website, which helps illegal immigrants postpone or evade deportation – the very law that they are supposed to be upholding.
Each week Neal Asbury’ Made in America provides Neal’s insights into the week’s top news stories and their impact on the worlds of entrepreneurship, small business ownership and the overall economy. Neal’s analysis, together with co-host Dr. Richard Roffman, a veteran 30-year publisher with extensive domestic and international experience, takes a non-biased approach based on real life experience in business as an American manufacturer and exporter. Made in America airs nationally each Saturday from 7-8:00 PM on Radio America. Link to Made in America at http://www.nealasburysmadeinamerica.com.