Archive for 2014

Made in America Panel Warns that America has Never Been in More Danger than the Current Threat from Regulations Being Proposed by the Obama Administration

Made in America Panel Warns that America has Never Been in More Danger than the Current Threat from Regulations Being Proposed by the Obama Administration

Host Neal Asbury opened his nationally syndicated “Neal Asbury’s Made in America” show on Radio America (now on 48 stations), by recapping his continual frustration with the regulations being proposed by the DOE and EPA that are impossible for most companies to meet.  The end result is the loss of jobs and competition.

Returning to Made in America was Congressman Mike Kelly (R-PA), who represents Pennsylvania’s 3rd Congressional District.

“This republic has never been in more danger than it is today.  Our ...

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Hello New Carbon Tax; Goodbye 250,000 American Jobs

Hello New Carbon Tax; Goodbye 250,000 American Jobs

My father was born and raised in West Virginia, and is now buried in the heart of coal country. So President Obama’s war on coal and fossil fuels is not only a terrible policy decision, but it’s one that resonates with me personally.

Stephen Moore, founder of the Free Enterprise Fund, was recently a guest on my radio show, Made in America, and predicted that the way the Obama administration is waging war on fossil fuels, the coal industry could be ...

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Made in America Panel Warns that if EPA Continues its War on U.S. Coal, Coal Industry will be Gone Within 10 Years

Made in America Panel Warns that if EPA Continues its War on U.S. Coal, Coal Industry will be Gone Within 10 Years

Host Neal Asbury opened his nationally syndicated “Neal Asbury’s Made in America” show on Radio America (now on 48 stations), by recounting ways that the EPA uses ridiculous standards to control manufacturers, often putting them out of business without any regard to the jobs that could be lost.

Co-host Dr. Rich Roffman pointed to the fact that most people serving on the EPA are academicians that have never run a business nor have any actual business or real-world experience.

Returning to Made ...

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Obamacare Alienating the President’s Staunchest Supporters

Obamacare Alienating the President’s Staunchest Supporters

When you start tallying up all the people who despise Obamacare, the line gets pretty long.

But one group having a big problem with the Affordable Care Act (ACA) might surprise you: union members, who have historically been the staunchest supporters of President Obama and the Democrats.

When the ACA was first proposed, the administration knew it had to woo trade unions if it was ever to gain approval. Unions publicly rallied for its passage. But behind closed doors, unions demanded that ...

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Made in America Panel Wonders Why Obama Spends So Much Time on EPA But Can’t Devote Time to Fixing VA Tragedy

Made in America Panel Wonders Why Obama Spends So Much Time on EPA But Can’t Devote Time to Fixing VA Tragedy

Host Neal Asbury opened his nationally syndicated “Neal Asbury’s Made in America” show on Radio America (now on 48 stations), by chastising the Obama administration for spending an inordinate amount of time helping the EPA over-regulate industry while paying scant attention to the VA scandal, which is literally killing American veterans.

“It rips your heart out,” noted Neal.

“Obama’s EPA can make knee-jerk decisions on energy regulations with weak research, but when it comes to the VA, all you hear is that ...

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