Neal Asbury opened his nationally syndicated “Neal Asbury’s Made in America” show on Radio America (now on 40 stations) by agreeing to accept the new tax rate he will pay, but at the same time finding it unacceptable that his money will be going to fuel an out-of-control program of government waste. “More taxes won’t pay to solve that,” said Neal.
Joining the show as a first time guest was Cherylyn Harley LeBon, Co-Chairman of the Project 21 National Advisory Board, who took aim at Project Head Start, a program launched in 1963 that was designed to help minority and poor children succeed in school
“After spending $180 billion since the program began, a new study by HHS has found that by third grade, Project Head Start has had little or no impact on success in school. In fact, there is evidence that Project Head Start actually had harmful effects on students. Students not participating in the program fared better in school than those that did,” suggested LeBon.
While LeBon is a strong advocate of early intervention in schools to identify students in need of special help, it is the homeroom teacher, not Project Head Start that helps kids succeed. LeBon accused Project Head Start of “keeping kids in a government plantation” because they don’t receive the skills they need to get a job, which is unfair to them and to their parents.
Neal and co-host Dr. Rich Roffman returned to the topic of taxes, during which Neal suggested: “If my government came to me and said we need more financial resources to help make this nation stronger and we can’t cover the costs, I’d be first in line to help. But I want to know that my money just wouldn’t be added to the hundreds of billions that the government wastes. We need to declare a war on waste.”
Dr. Roffman concurred, adding, “I was really disappointed to see GOP leaders stand like deer in the headlights when the fiscal cliff vote was passed. Now we have heard that federal welfare spending will rise by 80 percent in 10 years. If we could slow this down to only 60 percent we would save $1 trillion.”
Dr. Roffman attributed the rise in welfare spending to appeal to minorities, and particularly to illegal immigrants, that the White House wants to grant citizenship so they will guarantee Democratic votes for years to come.
Joining the show as a first time guest was Alexis Levinson, a political reporter for The Daily Caller, who wondered why the GOP didn’t do more to prevent the “New Year’s Day Tax Massacre.”
“I am hoping that that the fiscal cliff vote will present an opportunity for the Tea Party and conservatives to gain momentum in fighting the Obama tax increases. We’re seeing some initiatives starting, like the group “For America,” which ran an ad attacking Mitch McConnell for not doing more to prevent the tax increases,” said Levinson.
Levinson is hoping that the tax debate will galvanize the Tea Party and Republicans, but to date, there has been a lack of action. She notes that when a major vote is dragged out, Republicans look bad. But she sees the debt ceiling discussion as a way for Republicans to make a statement.
The discussion turned to the Obama gun control press conference last week, which Neal described as yet another example of the President trying to circumvent Congress with an executive order–just as he bypassed Congress for Basel III, taxes, unions, the environment, and now gun control.
“My roots are in West Virginia where mom and pop country stores still exist. Thanks to Obama they are selling more guns and ammunition than ever. They can’t keep them in stock. Gun retailers, who normally despise Obama for his stance against guns, are now applauding him for driving more customers to their stores,” said Neal.
Dr. Roffman agreed, adding “The irony of this gun discussion is that Obama accuses the NRA of scaring people to buy guns, but it is actually Obama who is scaring people into buying more guns and ammunition. This is all good for the 209,000 people in the gun industry and the $9 billion in wages that they make off of guns and ammunition. In fact, guns and ammunition contribute $31billion to the U.S. economy.”
Once again, Dr. Roffman continued his weekly “Cronyism Report,” an ongoing look at how federal funding payouts are wasting taxpayer dollars.
He began with another initiative approved by the DOE that gives $100,000 through the National Endowment for the Arts to create a video game called “Her Adventure” that features a female superhero battling against global warming.
“Here you have the White House rallying against violent video games because they accuse them of attempting to influence kids. Now with the government’s support of an environmental video game, it’s the White House that is trying to indoctrinate kids into supporting the Obama environmental programs,” concluded Dr. Roffman.
Each week Neal Asbury’s Made in America provides Neal’s insights into the week’s top news stories and their impact on the worlds of entrepreneurship, small business ownership and the overall economy. Neal’s analysis, together with co-host Dr. Richard Roffman, a veteran 30-year publisher with extensive domestic and international experience, takes a non-biased approach based on real life experience in business as an American manufacturer and exporter. Made in America airs nationally each Saturday from 7-8:00 PM on Radio America. Link to Made in America at http://www.nealasburysmadeinamerica.com.