Neal Asbury opened his nationally syndicated “Neal Asbury’s Made in America” show on Radio America (now on 44 stations) by recapping a visit he made to Capitol Hill where administration officials admitted that they have no faith in Congress. Instead, they are using the rule of executive order to bypass Congress to get their agendas passed.
“They have no faith in Congress? What they mean is that they have no faith in Congress to capitulate. So for instance, the EPA is
carrying out our energy program,” said co-host Dr. Rich Roffman.
Neal’s first guest was Marlo Lewis, Senior Fellow, The Competitive Enterprise Institute, who returned to the show to discuss the
EPA’s ability to run rough-shod over mining operations.
“Obama likes to talk about his expansion of mining exploration, but 96 percent is on state and private lands, not federal lands. Our
energy program is growing not because of Obama, but in spite of Obama, especially since new shale operations have the potential to convert the U.S. into the Middle East of energy by 2020,” said Lewis. Lewis noted that since Obama knows he can’t get his anti-energy legislation passed in Congress, he’s using the EPA to take the heat.
“We are not in a presidential election yearso Republicans have less to gain from passing pro-energy legislation just to frame issues
and clarify policy differences for the electorate. In addition, divided government makes it virtually impossible either for congressional
Republicans to halt and reverse the Obama administration’s regulatory war on fossil fuels or for Hill Democrats to pass cap-and-trade,
carbon taxes, or a national clean energy standard,” proposed Lewis, who reminded listeners that when Democrats voted for Cap-and-trade in 2010, 29 lost their seats.
Neal and co-host Dr. Roffman segued to a discussion about patient dumping and the phenomena of “permanent patients.”
In a recent case in Colorado, two undocumented (once called illegal) Mexicans recovering from an auto accident and requiring long term care had no family and no residence in the U.S. Since they couldn’t be released and the hospital had no desire to continue to spend thousands of dollars for these “permanent patients,” they were flown back to Mexico.
“When undocumented immigrants add billions to our health care costs, the cost is passed on to you and me. That’s not fair to millions of workers and even to the immigrants who came to this country legally,” said Neal.
Neal added that as a result ofsoaring health care costs which will be worse under Obamacare, many hospitals are dumping patients into other areas to reduce their liabilities, even though this is illegal.
Joining the show was Michael Bastasch, a reporter for The Daily Caller, who uncovered a story of the EPA blatantly testing the limits of power.
Four years after it was granted a permit to begin coal mining operations, a mine in West Virginia had the EPA retroactively revoke its license. While this case is in the courts, it presages future cases where the EPA will exert its power to shut down mining operations the Obama administration doesn’t like.
“Now the EPA is trying to block projects before they even start, such as the Pebble Mine in Alaska, which was granted mining rights years ago.
Neal weighed in noting that not only is it unfair to the mining companies and the workers it employs, but to the investors who are being punished.
The final guest on Made in America was Ronn Torossian, CEO of New York City’s 5W Public Relations, who noted that the public relations industry is seeing some recovery, and brands are starting to spend more money on PR, but confining fees to shorter-term relationships and projects.
“The rise of content creation and social media is driving growth. With no filters, brands can create their own messaging. Digital media is changing the way we tell stories,” said Torossian.
He warned that while social media is unfiltered and allows anyone to poststories, it is important to remember, especially for kids
applying for jobs, that social media content follows them through life, so they need to be careful what they post.
Neal and Dr. Roffman concluded the show by returning to the topic of cronyism and how it wastes money and delays job creation. Dr.
Roffman returned to his favorite subject, the billions of federal dollars that have been wasted on risky green energy investments where Obama cronies have equity positions.
“CBS News just released a story that revealed that even before the DOE initially agreed to grant $500 million in 2010 to Fisker motors, the Obama administration knew that the company wasn’t meeting its milestone goals and was a risky investment,” said Dr. Roffman,
who added that despite the government’s reservations, Fisker received loans totaling $171 million up until June of 2011.
Not to be outdone, the government granted money to San Jose Solar Panels which failed and let go 29 workers; while Solo Power lost
$10 million and let go 90 workers.
Each week Neal Asbury’s Made in America provides Neal’s insights into the week’s top newsstories and their impact on the worlds of
entrepreneurship, small business ownership and the overall economy. Neal’s analysis, together with co-host Dr. Richard Roffman, a veteran 30-year publisher with extensive domestic and international experience, takes a non-biased approach based on real life experience in business as an American manufacturer and exporter.
Made in America airs nationally each Saturday from 7-8:00 PM on Radio America. Link to Made in America at http://www.nealasburysmadeinamerica.com