Neal Asbury opened his nationally syndicated “Neal Asbury’s Made in America” show on Radio America (now on 45 stations) by challenging listeners to think about President Obama’s legacy to America when it comes to his lack of accomplishments in office. Co-host Dr. Rich Roffman identified two: “The dog ate my homework syndrome,” and increased sales of the movie, “Dr. Zhivago,” for a review of the dangers of socialism.
“Obama has a history of myopia of not seeing the entire situation when he passes policies. All he ever says is ‘everything is fine,’ while he tramples the Constitution,” proposed Dr. Roffman.
Neal’s first guest was return guest ad agency executive Ronn Torossian, whose opinion piece entitled, “Obama’s Legacy of Disaster,” ran on the website Frontpage Mag. According to Torossian: “Since being elected in 2008, Obama has consistently portrayed himself as the underdog. How can the man who is supposed to be the most powerful man in the world be the underdog? He is simply a fool.”
Torossian contends that if one was to define Obama’s legacy it would be summed up in one word: failure.
“He has not made one single area better during his administration, especially the economy and foreign policy. Instead, he’s created millions of people who think it’s OK to get a hand out and for the government to support you. How many years will it take for this country to recover from Obama’s policies?” asked Torossian, who added that “Obama doesn’t use a carrot and the stick to get action, he uses the carrot and the cheese cake.”
Neal and Dr. Roffman sided with Torossian when he suggested that “Under Obama, America is not at the pinnacle of our success,” with Neal adding that “People have given up on the American brand, and we are destroying what it once stood for.” Dr. Roffman suggested that “Obama has eroded our values and ethics and damaged all that made this country great.”
Neal and Dr. Roffman returned to a discussion of Obama’s legacy, noting that he has forever changed the perception of unemployment and social security disability from a stopover when people need some temporary help, to an ultimate destination.
“We’ve got young people with college degrees that can’t find a job and have succumbed to the government hand-out mentality. It makes us all victims,” noted Neal.
Dr. Roffman agreed, adding that the U.S. is facing more college graduates living back at home than at any time during the past 30 years.
“People want a job, they want to work, they want to earn money and feel good about themselves. But we’re seeing people trying to game the system, like a modern day Jeff Spicoli from the film Fast Times at Ridgemont High, who just drank beer and surfed. Today, a self-proclaimed 29 year-old beach bum in San Diego lives for free at the beach, bums food and drinks, and still gets $200 a month in government assistance. The message to people from the government is: ’Don’t worry, we’re here to support you,” proposed Dr. Roffman.
Joining Made in America was Katie Packer Gage from The Workforce Fairness Institute (WFI), an organization committed to educating voters, employers, employees and citizens about issues affecting the workplace.
In an op/ed piece in The Detroit News, entitled “Detroit: A Cautionary Tale for America,” Gage, a native Detroiter, wrote: “Union bosses desperately fought against any meaningful changes to public employees’ contracts, making it difficult for the city to maintain a reasonable budget. To make matters worse, the politicians who controlled the city failed to competently manage its budget, particularly in light of a declining population and severe downturn in Detroit’s automotive industry.”
“I want to be fair, I don’t blame the union rank and file who just wanted to work at a fair wage, but the union bosses consumed by greed and who colluded with elected officials and eventually brought a great city to its knees. Other big cities will follow. It’s a tragic story,” said Gage.
Gage traces some of the misfortunes of Detroit back to former Mayor Coleman Young who dissuaded independent businesses from setting up shop in Detroit. So they moved to the suburbs, leaving Detroit to fend for itself.
“Something like 80 percent of union workers never voted to be unionized. But when things went bad and options were placed in front of business and union leaders, they were turned down and rank and file members had no voice,” concluded Gage.
Peter Ferrara, a senior fellow at The Heartland Institute was the final guest. He recently wrote a piece entitled, “Will Democrat Voters Support Obama’s Suspension Of Democracy And Calculated Deception?”
He states: “Despite President Obama’s Obamacare happy talk, his recent actions indicate increasing desperation over the impending Obamacare train wreck. In those actions, Obama has seized the power to rule by decree, without authorization of law.
The Obamacare law explicitly states that the employer mandate goes into effect in 2014. The law grants no power to President Obama to rewrite that law. The Constitution requires him to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed.”
President Obama’s recent decree that the employer mandate shall be delayed by one year to 2015 consequently violates the Constitution. It is simply third world style, lawless, Obamacare authoritarianism.”
Ferrara contends that the GOP should be attacking Democrats for supporting Obamacare instead of going after Obama. Obama is engaging in “calculating deception,” putting out figures and policies that are escaping close scrutiny.
“He knows that insurance rates aren’t going down under Obamacare, but be continues to make these claims and the mainstream media are following along,” said Ferrara.
Neal and co-host Dr. Rich Roffman concluded the show by returning to the topic of cronyism and its impact on job creation.
Dr. Roffman reminded listeners that Cecilia Muñoz the director of the White House Domestic Policy Council and former White House Director of Intergovernmental Affairs, and now head of the National Council of La Raza, will receive $6 million to $40 million over 3 years to help citizens understand Obamacare and Immigration reform, but it actually is a voter registration ploy to get more Hispanic Democratic voters.
“In fact, there is some $6.4 million in funds being siphoned off to Obama cronies, including $375,000 for Planned Parenthood, which is hard to understand. This is nothing more than blatant cronyism, with rewards confined to those in the system,” concluded Dr. Roffman.
Each week Neal Asbury’s Made in America provides Neal’s insights into the week’s op news stories and their impact on the worlds of entrepreneurship, small business ownership and the overall economy. Neal’s analysis, together with co-host Dr. Richard Roffman, a veteran 30-year publisher with extensive domestic and international experience, takes a non-biased approach based on real life experience in business as an American manufacturer and exporter. Made in America airs nationally each Saturday from 7-8:00 PM on Radio America. Link to Made in America at http://www.nealasburysmadeinamerica.com.