Host Neal Asbury opened his nationally syndicated “Neal Asbury’s Made in America” show on Radio America (now on 71 stations) by applauding Gallup CEO, Jim Clifton for his ongoing initiative to alert Americans to the hoax being perpetuated by the Obama administration when it comes to unemployment numbers. Despite the claims being made, Clifton notes that the number of full-time jobs based on the population, is the lowest in decades.
Co-host Dr. Rich Roffman said he’s never seen anything like the lies being spread by the Obama administration. They keep saying that everything is getting better, but people aren’t feeling it.
The first guest on Made in America was Joe Lawler, a writer for the Washington Examiner, who noted that jobless claims rose by 250,000 to 304,000 in the week ended Feb. 7, higher than forecast, from a revised 279,000 in the prior period. The median projection of 48 economists surveyed by Bloomberg called for 287,000. The four-week average dropped to the lowest since mid-November.
“We need to be generating 250,000 jobs a month just to stay above water. Although 5,000,000 new hires were announced last year, there were 4.7 million layoffs. And it doesn’t take into account the millions that have stopped looking for work. All the jobless numbers being put out there are arbitrary,” according to Lawler.
Dr. Roffman greed, adding that 49% of Americans surveyed are living paycheck-to-paycheck.
Seton Motley, consultant, founder and president of Less Government, returned to Made in America for a discussion on “net neutrality,” which the GOP characterizes as “The Obamacare of the Internet.”
“Net neutrality is socialism for the Internet, where everybody buys in and gets nothing. According to some people, the ultimate objective of net neutrality is to eradicate media capitalists, and drive out investors. The end goal is for the government to be the nation’s Internet provider,” according to Motley.
Dr. Roffman proposed that federal government is playing its “fairness” card by advocating on behalf of rural areas, which they contend don’t have broadband access.
Motley refuted this, noting that 99 percent of Americans have access to the Internet. The government’s plan ultimately will benefit large broadband companies like Google, Facebook, Amazon and Netflix – all Obama donors, and the height of cronyism?
“Netflix controls 35 percent of all broadband capacity. Eventually consumers will be paying more for their Internet usage to support these companies,” predicted Motley.
The next guest on Made in America was Cary Sheffield, from the Competitive Enterprise Institute, who contended that Dodd-Frank’s financial regulations supposedly meant to help the little guy and curtail banking behemoths, has had the opposite effect.
“Dodd-Frank’s backers in Congress and other members of the left touted the regulation as a means of helping Main Street over Wall Street. Yet the number of community banks fell by 40 percent since 1994, and their share of U.S. banking assets fell by more than half – from 41 percent to 18 percent. In contrast, the biggest banks saw their share of assets rise from 18 percent to 46 percent. And while the number of community banks already declined before the crisis, since the second quarter of 2010 – Dodd-Frank’s passage – community banks have lost market share at a rate double what they did between Q2 2006 and Q2 2010: 12 percent vs. 6 percent,” revealed Sheffield.
Neal agreed that this a calamity for small businesses that rely on community banks as their first line of funding. Dodd-Frank is killing community banks.
“When you walk into a community bank, they know you, your business and even your family. But when the big banks consolidate community banks, you are just another customer—or number,” noted Dr. Roffman.
The final guest on Made in America was Jim Graham, the executive director of “Ford’s Driving Skills for Life” program, which is designed to help teenagers avoid traffic accidents by supplementing the skills they learned in Driver’s Ed.
“Over the past 12 years, we’ve traveled around the country to help new drivers deal with emergency situations and proper decision making so they recognize hazards and how avoid them,” maintained Graham.
As part of his ongoing segment on the rise in the development of robots to replace human workers, Dr. Roffman noted that Google is creating robotic dogs that can play fetch and walk up stairs.
Meanwhile, China is moving full speed ahead to build the greatest number of robots in the world – an effort supported by Alibaba founder Jack Ma.
On the cronyism front, Nancy Pelosi has taken 85 trips on government jets, many questionable, since her family often accompanied her on these trips.
And Health Care of America has become a big advocate for Obamacare, since they will be reaping billions of dollars from the program.
Each week Neal Asbury’ Made in America provides Neal’s insights into the week’s top news stories and their impact on the worlds of entrepreneurship, small business ownership and the overall economy. Neal’s analysis, together with co-host Dr. Richard Roffman, a veteran 30-year publisher with extensive domestic and international experience, takes a non-biased approach based on real life experience in business as an American manufacturer and exporter. Made in America airs nationally each Saturday from 7-8:00 PM on Radio America. Link to Made in America at http://www.nealasburysmadeinamerica.com