Host Neal Asbury opened his nationally syndicated “Neal Asbury’s Made in America” show on Radio America (now on 72 stations) with the sobering news that entrepreneurial start-ups are at the lowest they have been in 40 years. News as disappointing as the fact that there are fewer successful U.S. corporations today than at any time during the past 40 years.
The first guest on Made in America was Illinois Republican Congressman Bob Dold, who escorted Benjamin Netanyahu into the House chamber where he addressed the House and Senate. Dold noted that he has never seen the kind of reaction that Netanyahu received from Congress.
As an introduction to the segment, an audio clip from 1939 was played in which Britain’s Neville Chamberlain gave his infamous appeasement speech regarding Germany, promising that he had avoided England going to war – a naive assessment.
Dold believed that the analogy was appropriate considering that the common perception is that Obama made a “bad deal” with Iran over their advancement of nuclear weapons, and has probably done nothing to delay an Iranian nuclear bomb.
“Look nobody wants to go to war. But the deal with Iran is a bad deal for the U.S., Israel and for the rest of the world. Just last week an Iranian official vowed that Iran would work to obliterate Israel. Iran has never kept its word about anything it has promised in the past; and Iran won’t keep its word about not creating nuclear weapons,” proposed Dold.
Co-host Dr. Rich Roffman agreed, maintaining that no deal with Iran is better than a bad deal. “What Obama is doing is giving Iran a straight path to nuclear weaponry.”
“The deal with Iran is like the one he cut with Cuba. Cuba got everything and the U.S. got nothing,” suggested Dr. Roffman.
Congressman Dold concurred, adding that Iran only respects strength.
“Stronger sanctions are needed. Since Obama won’t do it, Congress needs to get involved. We keep rewarding Iran for not living up to their promises by imposing fewer sanctions, The real danger with an Iran with nuclear weapons is that it will create a Middle East arms race, which will make the world less safe,” concluded Dold.
Neal and Dr. Roffman returned to the stagnant economy, with Dr. Roffman noting that 92 million Americans aren’t working or even looking for a job.
“Then when you impose high taxes and pile on regulations, you have the worst outlook for entrepreneurs in 40 years. But that’s where jobs are created. We need a pro-business government,” maintained Dr. Roffman.
Returning to Made in America was a show favorite, Republican Congressman Mile Kelly, representing Pennsylvania, who echoed Congressman Dold’s perception of the “super charged” atmosphere surrounding Netanyahu’s appearance.
“The prime minister was very clear. His nation is surrounded by enemies, and giving any nation in the Mid-East nuclear weapons threatens the world. It’s not whether Iran will get a nuclear device – it’s just a question of when,” suggested Kelly.
Dr. Roffman reminded listeners that after the Clinton administration cut a deal with North Korea over their nuclear program, North Korea carried out a nuclear bomb test soon after.
“Obama likes to tell people he leads from behind. He doesn’t think that America is an exceptional country, and he doesn’t seem to believe in the Constitution. He says he’s looking for ways to bend it to his will. I have never seen a president over reach his executive power the way that Obama does. He’s the master of disaster,” said Kelly.
Kelly added that Obama thinks that the Congress is slow and stupid. We may be slow in getting things done, but we’re not stupid. We see a runaway imperialist president. The only way we can change things is by winning the next election,” concluded Kelly.
The final guest on Made in America was John Daniel Davidson, a writer in Austin, Texas, and the director of the Center for Health Care Policy at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, who weighed in on the King vs Burwell suit being heard by the U.S. Supreme Court. The issue is “Whether the Internal Revenue Service may permissibly promulgate regulations to extend tax-credit subsidies to coverage purchased through exchanges established by the federal government under Section 1321 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.”
“The ACA is an example of Congress deferring its authority to the executive branch. They are essentially empowering the administration to create laws. The ACA is forcing states to comply with a federal policy by creating insurance exchanges – but not all states have created exchanges. That means they can’t receive federal subsidies. That’s where the King vs Burwell suit takes aim,” said Davidson, who predicts that the law will be amended.
Dr. Roffman also weighed in, suggesting that Obama has ignored the written word of his own law. “The question is: What is the law, and how is it written? The court doesn’t create laws; it is supposed to interpret them,” maintained Dr. Roffman.
As part of his ongoing segment on the rise in cronyism, Dr. Roffman noted that Harry Reid has exploited his position as House minority leader to give special funding to his friends and associates.
“There’s nothing new about a congressman “bringing home some bacon” to his state constituents. But Reid is rewarding former workers and Democratic contributors, which seems to be outside usual mandates,” concluded Dr. Roffman.
Each week Neal Asbury’ Made in America provides Neal’s insights into the week’s top news stories and their impact on the worlds of entrepreneurship, small business ownership and the overall economy. Neal’s analysis, together with co-host Dr. Richard Roffman, a veteran 30-year publisher with extensive domestic and international experience, takes a non-biased approach based on real life experience in business as an American manufacturer and exporter. Made in America airs nationally each Saturday from 7-8:00 PM on Radio America. Link to Made in America at http://www.nealasburysmadeinamerica.com.