Host Neal Asbury opened his nationally syndicated “Neal Asbury’s Made in America” show on Radio America (now on 71 stations) by supporting the move to stop the estate tax, despite Obama’s support for continuing it. It’s gotten to the point, according to Dr. Rich Roffman, co-host, that “people can’t afford to die!”
Made in America welcomed journalist Colin Hanna, who proposed in a USA Today column that the current tax code needs to be replaced.
“The answer is to do away with, or “sunset” (in Capitol Hill parlance) the tax code by a certain date. Then we can have an honest and productive debate resulting in what will inevitably be fairer and more beneficial to American taxpayers. The date certain should be Dec. 31, 2019. The next day, Jan. 1, 2020, would be the new dawn of a new year and a newer, better tax code for the American people,” suggested Hanna.
Hanna noted that the current tax codes are too complicated, estimated at more than 74,000 pages. With this bulk, Hanna admitted that changing the tax code in one step would be impractical. But by establishing his “sunset tax code” in an initial stage, and then over time adding elements that would allow the tax code to be re-launched as a clean slate, a tax code that really works and can be understood could be created.
Hanna reported that his tax code idea is being studied by the House Ways & Means Committee and 78 members of Congress have signed on as cosponsors.
Neal and Dr. Roffman continued the discussion on taxes, with Neal noting that high tax states are losing their middle class residents.
Dr. Roffman added that California is not only suffering from a drought because they didn’t have the money to build reservoirs to hold water runoff. Worse is that the high taxes imposed on the average Californian are killing employment, leaving only the “one percenters” in LA and San Francisco doing well.
The discussion turned to America’s energy companies being handcuffed by the administration’s inability to allow them to export. Neal predicted that America could be energy independent in 4 years if energy exports were approved.
‘We have an energy glut today, to the point that we are considered the Saudi Arabia of Coal. Despite the fact that 40 percent of our electricity is generated from coal -fired plants, Obama’s war on coal through the EPA is costing thousands of good jobs and not just in energy states,” according to Neal.
Neal noted that the EPA is out of control in a number of industries, including ice machine manufacturing, where Neal owns a factory. Neal related the fact that the EPA passed such onerous regulations relating to ice machine manufacturing that they are impossible to comply. When confronted with queries about the rationale for the new regulations, the EPA told Neal that the data was confidential.
Made in America welcomed return guest Paul Driessen, Senior Policy Analyst for The Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT), a conservative Washington, D.C.-based non-profit organization formed to promote a positive voice on environment and development issues.
“From the White House down to the Defense Department, Obama has positioned climate change as a threat more dangerous than ISIS. What complicates the issue is that the fossil fuel data on which the EPA bases its decisions, are kept secret. They want us to trust the EPA, even though their rulings are killing millions of jobs, even while they disrupt our lives, and drive up food and energy prices. Yet all the data relating to fossil fuels is fabricated, and ignores the fact that 82 percent of our electricity is generated from fossil fuels,” according to Driessen.
Dr. Roffman noted that the EPA rulings have gotten so ludicrous that they are requiring projections about climate changes 300 years from now, not taking into account emerging technologies.
Margo Thorning, Ph.D., Senior Vice President and Chief Economist American Council for Capital Formation, was the final guest on Made in America, who maintained that if energy companies were allowed to export fuel, it could create 1,000,000 jobs a year, while mitigating gasoline prices and having a positive impact on GDP.
“It’s not clear if Obama will veto the export of fuel, but America is now collecting more fuel this year than in 2104, and the result is that we have a surplus. Wells are being capped and wells are being shut off. Exports will alleviate the problem,” proposed Thorning.
Thorning predicted that when America starts exporting fuels, it will have a positive impact on gasoline prices globally. She calls the glut our “resource naturalism,” prompting some countries to accuse America of hoarding fuel.
As part of his ongoing segment on the rise in robots and cronyism, Dr. Roffman revealed that workers at the Tesla Motors factory name their factory robots after Marvel superheroes, while at Nissan, robots are named after anime — Godzilla is a favorite.
Dr. Roffman also noted that drones have become such a coveted piece of technology that start-up Chinese drone maker DJI is valued at $10 billion.
Meanwhile, in a less than positive debut, the robot sent in to inspect the still dangerous Fukushima nuclear plant stopped working and now needs to be rescued by humans.
A more successful introduction is a humanoid robot used by the Bank of Tokyo to deliver automated customer service to banking customers.
On the cronyism front, Dr. Roffman revealed that not only is the administration helping illegal aliens in this country, it is now teaching Mexicans in Mexico how to unionize. So now a new generation will help strengthen unions while strengthening Democratic politicians for years to come.
Each week Neal Asbury’ Made in America provides Neal’s insights into the week’s top news stories and their impact on the worlds of entrepreneurship, small business ownership and the overall economy. Neal’s analysis, together with co-host Dr. Richard Roffman, a veteran 30-year publisher with extensive domestic and international experience, takes a non-biased approach based on real life experience in business as an American manufacturer and exporter. Made in America airs nationally each Saturday from 7-8:00 PM on Radio America. Link to Made in America at http://www.nealasburysmadeinamerica.com.