Host Neal Asbury opened his nationally syndicated “Neal Asbury’s Made in America” show on Radio America (now on 72 stations) with the expected news that large hikes in Obamacare coverage are occurring across the country, making it harder for people to afford coverage.
In fact, co-host Dr. Rich Roffman noted that some Obama exchanges are going bankrupt.
The first guest on Made in America was Oklahoma Senator, Tom Coburn, who is greatly troubled by the lack of transparency surrounding the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), especially since it doesn’t crack down on China which has manipulated their currency for 25 years, putting U.S. exporters at a huge disadvantage.
“We’re losing the currency wars with China. I would vote for TPP if I knew what was in it. We don’t. The administration has a bad track record on negotiating free trade agreements, so I don’t trust them to bring to Congress a trade agreement we can live with. The U.S. senate can’t even read the agreement, or take notes. It all comes down to a lack of trust,” proposed Senator Coburn.
The senator compares the Obama administration to a runaway train, which can’t be corrected unless the states get involved to change history.
“We have a $6 trillion debt load. This is not sustainable. It will mean that millennials need to get more involved in the process,” noted Coburn.
Neal and Dr. Roffman continued the discussions about trade agreements, which Neal believes is critical for U.S. exporters to play on a level playing field, so that our risk takers can penetrate foreign markets. In fact, Neal would approve a free trade agreement with China. “We have nothing to fear.”
Dr. Roffman agreed, suggesting that TPP needs to be in the hands of congress, not with the administration, which has stamped on the Constitution.
“No one is challenging the president. Congress just folds under pressure. If congress stands up to the president, he will have to change his path. It’s all about trust,” proposed Dr. Roffman.
The next guest on Made in America was return guest Aloysius Hogan, a senior fellow with the Competitive Enterprise Institute, who noted that the (National Labor Relations Board) NLRB, is creating a joint employment class, reclassifying part-time or contractors as full-time employees, falling under union management.
“Regular Americans stand to lose a lot as some franchises are regulated out of existence. Franchise businesses provide us food, tax preparation, day care, gasoline, and many other products and services. We all know someone who has worked in a temp agency. Businesses commonly outsource accounting and cleaning. Our cars are manufactured with parts sourced from smaller businesses. Our homes are constructed with subcontractors plumbing the bathrooms and wiring the fixtures. All are at risk,” predicted Hogan.
Hogan proposes that giving NLRB new powers is payback for the unions and trial lawyers who donated millions to the Left.
“The union pickets and demonstrations make good theater, but they are destroying big businesses that create jobs including McDonald’s, CNN, and Browning-Ferris Industries (BFI),” concluded Hogan.
The final guest on Made in America was Ross Eisenberg, a vice-president with the National Association of Manufacturers.
“The EPA is introducing the most expensive regulations ever. At one time, the EPA did a good job reducing ozone and smog. But now the EPA is charged with looking at new regulations. This has given them the incentive to pass ever more onerous regulations. The result is the new regulations will reduce GDP by $140 billion per year and cost 2.3 million jobs. This is harming our manufacturers just as they are rebounding from the recession,” related Eisenberg.
Neal, a manufacturer himself, is frustrated by EPA regulations that make no sense, and ignore the facts that would alleviate the cost of regulations.
Next up was Dr. Roffman’ s ongoing series on the financial impact of cronyism.
“The EPA has become power hungry. They are now taking control of our water resources. This is a dangerous precedent,” noted Dr. Roffman.
Dr. Roffman revisited the Clinton deal with Sweden, whose $500,000 donation erased state department penalties.
Meanwhile, Elan Musk, whose Tesla electric car is revolutionizing the auto industry, is also revolutionizing the way that taxpayers are funding private enterprises like Tesla, to the tune of $4.3 billion.
Each week Neal Asbury’ Made in America provides Neal’s insights into the week’s top news stories and their impact on the worlds of entrepreneurship, small business ownership and the overall economy. Neal’s analysis, together with co-host Dr. Richard Roffman, a veteran 30-year publisher with extensive domestic and international experience, takes a non-biased approach based on real life experience in business as an American manufacturer and exporter. Made in America airs nationally each Saturday from 7-8:00 PM on Radio America. Link to Made in America at http://www.nealasburysmadeinamerica.com.