Posts Tagged 'Obama administration'

Made in America Panel Sends Out All Points Bulletin for the Missing Jobs for Young People

Made in America Panel Sends Out All Points Bulletin for the Missing Jobs for Young People

Host Neal Asbury opened his nationally syndicated “Neal Asbury’s Made in America” show on Radio America (now on 48 stations), by suggesting that the U.S. Patent Offices’ decision to revoke the Washington Redskin’s trademark logo is an attack on intellectual property and the start of a slippery slope for businesses trying to protect their intellectual property rights.

“This is just about ideology, and not about the legality of a trademark. Does this mean that I have to look over my shoulder ...

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Corporate Tax Rate Driving American Companies Overseas

Corporate Tax Rate Driving American Companies Overseas

Time was when the United States was No. 1 in numerous economic categories.

Unfortunately, we have traded our swagger in indicators that make us stronger for a tax code that makes us weaker: American companies face the highest statutory corporate income tax rate in the world — 39.1 percent.

According to the Tax Foundation, this overall rate of 39.1 percent is a combination of the 35 percent federal rate plus the average rate levied by U.S. states.

This puts the United States at ...

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Made in America Panel Warns that America has Never Been in More Danger than the Current Threat from Regulations Being Proposed by the Obama Administration

Made in America Panel Warns that America has Never Been in More Danger than the Current Threat from Regulations Being Proposed by the Obama Administration

Host Neal Asbury opened his nationally syndicated “Neal Asbury’s Made in America” show on Radio America (now on 48 stations), by recapping his continual frustration with the regulations being proposed by the DOE and EPA that are impossible for most companies to meet.  The end result is the loss of jobs and competition.

Returning to Made in America was Congressman Mike Kelly (R-PA), who represents Pennsylvania’s 3rd Congressional District.

“This republic has never been in more danger than it is today.  Our ...

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Made in America Panel Warns that if EPA Continues its War on U.S. Coal, Coal Industry will be Gone Within 10 Years

Made in America Panel Warns that if EPA Continues its War on U.S. Coal, Coal Industry will be Gone Within 10 Years

Host Neal Asbury opened his nationally syndicated “Neal Asbury’s Made in America” show on Radio America (now on 48 stations), by recounting ways that the EPA uses ridiculous standards to control manufacturers, often putting them out of business without any regard to the jobs that could be lost.

Co-host Dr. Rich Roffman pointed to the fact that most people serving on the EPA are academicians that have never run a business nor have any actual business or real-world experience.

Returning to Made ...

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A 21st Century Grapes of Wrath

A 21st Century Grapes of Wrath

We’re all familiar with the book The Grapes of Wrath, the depression tale of millions of desperate families during the 1930s that headed to California for promised jobs.

I’m not suggesting we’re at this stage yet, but for millions of unemployed Americans, they are finding that the local job market has dried up and they may need to relocate to more prosperous areas.

The good news is that there are plenty of jobs, if you know where to look.

Jobs these days, like ...

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