Archive for 'Articles'

Our Bundled Ambassadors

Our Bundled Ambassadors

The way President Obama is handing out ambassadorships to big donors and bundlers, it’s like he’s channeling Oprah Winfrey. “And you get an ambassadorship, and you get an ambassadorship and you get an ambassadorship.”

There certainly is a precedent for presidents bestowing ambassadorships on supporters, but they usually had some basic qualifications.

Caroline Kennedy was recently named ambassador to Japan. Does she have any experience in international relations? No. Does she speak Japanese? No. Does she have any experience in trade relations, ...

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Could Henry Ford Have Saved Detroit?

Could Henry Ford Have Saved Detroit?

Every American should be sickened by the news that Detroit is bankrupt. What was once the envy of the world for its pioneering automobile industry has become an also-ran on the world stage.

What went wrong? In one word: unions.

At the start of the 20th century, Henry Ford recognized that innovation and a productive work force was a winning combination.

According to Ford Motor Co.’s own overview: “Early on, Ford had shocked his business and industrial contemporaries by creating the $5 workday, ...

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Economic Fiction

Economic Fiction

Suppose you sat down at a blackjack table and were dealt the ace and jack of spades. You turn over the cards and proclaim that you’ve got blackjack. But the dealer announces that from now on, the winning hand is 30, and you’ve lost. You’d be mighty confused.

So imagine how confusing it is that the gross domestic product (GDP) — the output of goods and services produced by labor and property located in the United States — is running at ...

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Farm Bill Is a Fraud

Farm Bill Is a Fraud

After the Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management, widely known as the Farm Bill, failed to pass in the House of Representatives, there was a lot of finger pointing.

But the finger should be pointed at every Congress since 1933 — the year the Agricultural Adjustment Act was passed to help small farms with crop insurance, price supports, import barriers and other forms of aid to farmers who were earning barely enough to survive.

Unfortunately, like most government-administered programs, agricultural subsidies have ...

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China: It’s Complicated

China: It’s Complicated

China’s relationship with the United States is increasingly complex and competitive, and it’s bound to get even more complex as China pursues an aggressive growth strategy.

As Chinese President Xi Jinping and President Obama met last weekend in California to try and mend their often tenuous relationship, it was clear that China had its own agenda and this meeting was more show than a sincere desire for the two leaders to work together.

While Obama resolved to address cyber security, particularly serious ...

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