Archive for 'Articles'

Free Healthcare for Low Income, Uninsured, Illegal Immigrants?

Free Healthcare for Low Income, Uninsured, Illegal Immigrants?

The United States currently has an estimated 11 million immigrants who entered this country illegally. According to the National Research Council, the migration of these individuals into the United States costs American taxpayers $346 billion annually. Now we are starting to get a feel for the costs being absorbed by one sector — the U.S. healthcare system — to treat this population. And the cost is staggering.

The Center for Immigration Studies estimates that the current cost of treating uninsured immigrants ...

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The Cost of Permanent Patients

The Cost of Permanent Patients

The United States currently has an estimated 11 million immigrants who entered this country illegally. According to the National Research Council, the migration of these individuals into the United States costs American taxpayers $346 billion annually.

Now we are starting to get a feel for the costs being absorbed by one sector — the U.S. healthcare system — to treat this population. And the cost is staggering.

The Center for Immigration Studies estimates that the current cost of treating uninsured immigrants who ...

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Congress Is Full of Hot Air

Congress Is Full of Hot Air

There are 26 million unemployed and underemployed Americans, and we’ve just suffered the worst terrorist strike in this country since 9/11. So our Congress has snapped into action by concentrating on critical initiatives to push our nation forward.

Let’s begin with the House moving to reauthorize the Federal Helium Program.

That’s right. America needs to marshal its forces to keep blimps in the sky with the production of helium. Without blimps, how do we get those great overhead shots of football games? ...

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Made in America Panel Skeptical the Country will Have Balanced Budget Under Obama

Made in America Panel Skeptical the Country will Have Balanced Budget Under Obama

Neal Asbury opened his nationally syndicated “Neal Asbury’s Made in America” show on Radio America (now on 44 stations) by expressing his skepticism that a federal budget will be passed.

“We don’t just have one budget proposal, we have three; from the House, the Senate, and from the administration. Should we seriously think that they will able to compromise and pass a real budget?” asked Neal.

Co-host Dr. Rich Roffman characterized this proposal from the administration as smoke and mirrors, referring to ...

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Missing the Boat on ‘Near-Sourcing’

Missing the Boat on ‘Near-Sourcing’

After years of building what they hoped would boost profits by enhancing overseas operations, many U.S. manufacturers have become disillusioned by the lack of the return on investment they had anticipated.

Instead of finding cost-saving benefits overseas, they are finding headaches, which have spurred a growing number of American companies to head home and build upon the sturdy and sure bedrock of American stability and predictability. This has come to be known as “near-sourcing.”

Near-sourcing has been defined in professional publications as ...

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