Archive for 'Press Releases'

Made in America Panel Disheartened that American Dream has Been Redefined As the Quest for Entitlements

Made in America Panel Disheartened that American Dream has Been Redefined As the Quest for Entitlements

Neal Asbury opened his nationally syndicated “Neal Asbury’s Made in America” show on Radio America (now on 47 stations) by focusing on the latest lackluster job reports.  He noted that 130,000 new jobs last month won’t come close to filling the gap in a job picture that finds that 77 percent of new jobs are part-time – a wage that results in part-time workers five times more likely to live in poverty. And it doesn’t account for the millions that ...

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Made in America Panel Proposes that Obama Should not be taking a Victory Lap after the Shutdown Ended

Made in America Panel Proposes that Obama Should not be taking a Victory Lap after the Shutdown Ended

Neal Asbury opened his nationally syndicated “Neal Asbury’s Made in America” show on Radio America (now on 47 stations) with an admonishment to the nation’s labor unions that fought hard to support passage of Obamacare only to back away once it passed and now are begging Obama for a waiver from the legislation they helped pass.  This is something beyond the capability of the rest of us, noted Neal.

“So the unions have a private meeting with Obama to tell him ...

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Made in America Panel Proposes that Obamacare Startup Woes Underscore the Problem with Government Run Programs

Made in America Panel Proposes that Obamacare Startup Woes Underscore the Problem with Government Run Programs

Neal Asbury opened his nationally syndicated “Neal Asbury’s Made in America” show on Radio America (now on 47 stations) by proposing that after spending $634 million to create a website for Obamacare enrollment, the system crashed on day one. This was another indication that the administration rushed into Obamacare without appropriate planning.

“Even Wolf Blitzer asked a leading Democrat to consider postponing Obamacare.   It is obvious that Obama intended to launch the Affordable Care Act whether the American public liked it ...

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Made in America Panel Reveals that without Excessive Regulation Average Wealth of Each American Would Hit $120,000

Made in America Panel Reveals that without Excessive Regulation Average Wealth of Each American Would Hit $120,000

Proposing that innovation is in the DNA of America, Neal Asbury opened his nationally syndicated “Neal Asbury’s Made in America” show on Radio America (now on 47 stations) by proposing that if America could innovate itself out of the Great Depression, we can innovate ourselves out of the current economic mess.

“You might be surprised to learn that statistics show that the 1930s were one of the most innovative decades of the twentieth century in terms of innovation. The Laundromat, the ...

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Made in America Panel Predicts Obamacare will lead to Healthcare Chaos

Made in America Panel Predicts Obamacare will lead to Healthcare Chaos

Anticipating the looming battle over funding the government and defunding Obamacare, Neal Asbury opened his nationally syndicated “Neal Asbury’s Made in America” show on Radio America (now on 47 stations) by reiterating what a mess is being created over a program that involves 1/6 of our government spending.

“As if the news isn’t bad enough, now the IRS admitted that they can’t account for $67 million in Obamacare funding. Then Obama admitted that he had underestimated the tax load that Obamacare ...

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