Archive for 'Press Releases'

Made in America Panel Presses Obama to Recommit to Job Creation

Made in America Panel Presses Obama to Recommit to Job Creation

Neal Asbury opened his nationally syndicated “Neal Asbury’s Made in America” show on Radio America (now on 45 stations) by wondering why we have a president who wants to talk about everything but job creation, pivoting his attention on every issue that arises while ignoring 26 million unemployed and under-employed Americans.

Made in America welcomed Carl Schramm, bestselling author, economist and entrepreneur to the show as a first time guest.

In an article he wrote for Forbes entitled “Detroit Sells Off All ...

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Made in America Panel Proposes that Obama’s Pledge for Transparency is a Sham

Made in America Panel Proposes that Obama’s Pledge for Transparency is a Sham

Neal Asbury opened his nationally syndicated “Neal Asbury’s Made in America” show on Radio America (now on 45 stations) by comparing the current political environment to the old Twilight Zone TV show.

“It’s just bizarre. We’re finding out that despite the fallout over the IRS targeting organizations the Obama administration doesn’t like, that this practice not only continues, but has been expanded to conservative groups and others that the administration doesn’t like,” noted Neal.

Continuing the discussion on a breakdown in governance ...

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Made in America Panel Urges Obama to Support Domestic Oil Production to Boost Economy and Create Good Paying Jobs

Made in America Panel Urges Obama to Support Domestic Oil Production to Boost Economy and Create Good Paying Jobs

Neal Asbury opened his nationally syndicated “Neal Asbury’s Made in America” show on Radio America (now on 45 stations) with his astonishment that President Obama is trumpeting the rise in U.S. oil exports while his administration continues to beat up the oil industry.

Co-host Dr. Rich Roffman characterized this as “oxymoronic.”

“Drilling on federal land is down 31 percent over last year, and yet the president is congratulating himself on the boost in energy exports,” proposed Dr. Roffman.

Continuing the discussion on oil ...

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Made in America Panel Warns that Detroit May Not Be the Only Big City Facing Collapse

Made in America Panel Warns that Detroit May Not Be the Only Big City Facing Collapse

Neal Asbury opened his nationally syndicated “Neal Asbury’s Made in America” show on Radio America (now on 45 stations) by warning that Detroit’s financial collapse may be repeated in other cities, particularly in Chicago, which shares many of the issues faced by Detroit. This includes a one-party rule, a broken pensions system, and the flight of manufacturers out of the city.

“Chicago was once a hub of great manufacturers, now it’s nearly a manufacturing ghost town,” suggested Neal.

Neal’s first guest was ...

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Made in America Panel Takes Obama to Task for Attacking the Very Companies that Can Create More Jobs

Made in America Panel Takes Obama to Task for Attacking the Very Companies that Can Create More Jobs

Neal Asbury opened his nationally syndicated “Neal Asbury’s Made in America” show on Radio America (now on 45 stations) by admonishing President Obama for lecturing businesses to set an example by raising wages. The trouble is that with our current economy, entrepreneurs can’t afford to raise wages.

“I employ 300 people and I struggle every day to pay my employees good wages.  I could employ more people and pay even higher wages if we had an economy that helps entrepreneurs be ...

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