Archive for 'Press Releases'

Made in America Panel Warns that Our Economy of Dependency is Unsustainable

Made in America Panel Warns that Our Economy of Dependency is Unsustainable

Neal Asbury opened his nationally syndicated “Neal Asbury’s Made in America” show on Radio America (now on 44 stations) by expressing deep concern about the disconnect between Wall Street and Main Street.  Families everywhere are worried about putting enough food on their table, and the administration and media are talking not about job creation, but about the rise in the stock market.

Co-host Dr. Rich Roffman characterized this as a “psychosis of the administration,” where they are applauding the ...

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Made in America Panel Demands End to Culture of Corruption

Made in America Panel Demands End to Culture of Corruption

Neal Asbury opened his nationally syndicated “Neal Asbury’s Made in America” show on Radio America (now on 44 stations) by
alerting listeners to a growing culture of corruption within the Obama administration, characterized by the revelation that the IRS
was auditing groups affiliated with the Tea Party movement. Neal emphasized that corruption leads to cronyism, which in turn, leads to job destruction.

Neal’s first guest was Republican Congressman Scott Tipton, who represents Colorado’s third district.

Tipton suggested that all Americans should be ...

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Made in America Panel Hopes That Obama Visit to Texas Taught Him About Free Enterprise

Made in America Panel Hopes That Obama Visit to Texas Taught Him About Free Enterprise

Neal Asbury opened his nationally syndicated “Neal Asbury’s Made in America” show on Radio America (now on 44 stations) by wondering why of all the states President Obama visited to promote jobs, he selected Texas, which is pro- business, pro-growth, and pro-entrepreneurship – the opposite of what Obama preaches for bigger government.

“Texas gets it. They promote a small government and creating good jobs. Tennessee and South Carolina also get it. States like Illinois and California don’t get it,” opined Neal.

Neal’s ...

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Made in America Panel Proposes Time to Stop Fear Mongering on Sequestration

Made in America Panel Proposes Time to Stop Fear Mongering on Sequestration

Neal Asbury opened his nationally syndicated “Neal Asbury’s Made in America” show on Radio America (now on 44 stations)
by once again casting doubt that the Labor Department is releasing accurate unemployment numbers. In April, the Labor Department announced that 165,000 jobs were created, but ADP, an independent company, pegged the job creation total at 119,000.

“It’s disingenuous at best to continue to paint a rosy employment picture when we all know that as a result of ...

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How Congress Is Killing the Entrepreneurial Spirit

How Congress Is Killing the Entrepreneurial Spirit

It is still galling that this nation’s entrepreneurs and small businesses — our country’s job creators — don’t get any support. Our political parties rail against each other, determined not to let either side win. This is a giant roadblock toward economic security.

But elsewhere in the world, differences are being hashed out that are designed to help small businesses thrive. And it’s happening in an area that’s the least likely to promote economic peace: Israel and Palestine.

That’s right. According ...

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